test_functions SciPy Test Functions Index

This page contains the general index of the benchmark problems used to test different Global Optimization algorithms. It also shows some statistics on the “difficulty” of a multi-modal test problem, based on the average successful minimization across all the Global Optimizers tested in this benchmark exercise. The SciPy Extended test suite is based on the current SciPy Global Optimization benchmarks.

The test suite currently contains:

  1. 18 one-dimensional test functions with multiple local/global minima;
  2. 235 multivariate problems (where the number of independent variables ranges from 2 to 17), again with multiple local/global minima. I have added about 40 new functions to the standard SciPy benchmarks.

Some of the multivariate problems are well known in the mathematical literature; for the less well-known functions, I have taken their definitions mostly from the following references:

Test Functions “Hardness”

The test suite contains a variety of Global Optimization problems, some of them are harder to solve than others, irrespectively of the algorithm chosen to minimize the test function. The following table has been obtained by running all the Global Optimizers available against all the N-D test functions for a collection of 100 random starting points, and then averaging the successful minimizations across all the optimizers.

Table 1.4: SciPy Extended benchmark functions “hardness”
Test Function N Overall Success (%)
HappyCat 2 0.15%
Bukin06 2 0.31%
Cola 17 1.00%
CrownedCross 2 7.31%
CrossLegTable 2 7.54%
Meyer 3 8.23%
Paviani 10 9.77%
Thurber 7 9.85%
SineEnvelope 2 13.31%
Peaks 2 14.69%
Trefethen 2 14.77%
Whitley 2 14.92%
NewFunction02 2 15.38%
Mishra04 2 15.38%
Mishra03 2 15.38%
DeVilliersGlasser02 5 15.38%
BiggsExp06 6 15.62%
Zagros 2 18.00%
Xor 9 23.08%
EggHolder 2 23.08%
BiggsExp05 5 26.15%
Zimmerman 2 28.62%
XinSheYang03 2 30.15%
NewFunction01 2 30.77%
Rana 2 30.77%
Osborne 5 30.77%
Salomon 2 31.69%
PowerSum 4 31.92%
Griewank 2 33.62%
Damavandi 2 33.62%
Ripple01 2 34.38%
Stochastic 2 36.38%
Kowalik 4 41.46%
Hougen 5 42.23%
Schaffer01 2 43.38%
Schaffer04 2 46.00%
XinSheYang01 2 47.69%
Ackley04 2 48.85%
Schaffer03 2 51.54%
Schaffer02 2 51.69%
Watson 6 53.54%
Deceptive 2 53.69%
UrsemWaves 2 53.85%
DropWave 2 54.23%
ZeroSum 2 54.85%
Spike 2 55.23%
OddSquare 2 55.54%
RosenbrockModified 2 57.69%
MeyerRoth 3 58.85%
Corana 4 59.15%
Colville 4 59.31%
Weierstrass 2 60.69%
Ratkowsky01 4 60.92%
Easom 2 61.00%
DeVilliersGlasser01 4 61.54%
Simpleton 10 61.54%
XinSheYang04 2 63.46%
Gulf 3 63.69%
Price02 2 64.69%
Shekel10 4 65.08%
AMGM 2 65.54%
InvertedCosine 2 65.69%
TestTubeHolder 2 66.15%
Eckerle4 3 67.08%
DeJong5 2 67.46%
MultiGaussian 2 67.85%
DeflectedCorrugatedSpring 2 68.77%
Shekel07 4 69.08%
Shekel05 4 69.92%
Ackley01 2 70.00%
Price03 2 70.77%
Chichinadze 2 71.15%
Levy05 2 71.92%
Penalty02 2 72.23%
Crescent 2 72.62%
Tripod 2 73.31%
BiggsExp04 4 73.85%
GramacyLee03 2 74.38%
Shubert03 2 75.38%
Wavy 2 75.46%
Ursem03 2 75.69%
Dolan 5 75.77%
XinSheYang02 2 76.00%
Pathological 2 76.15%
Rastrigin 2 76.69%
Alpine02 2 76.85%
SchmidtVetters 3 76.92%
Mishra05 2 76.92%
CarromTable 2 76.92%
Hansen 2 78.00%
Branin02 2 79.08%
BuecheRastrigin 2 79.08%
Ripple25 2 79.08%
Mishra06 2 79.08%
YaoLiu09 2 79.54%
Schwefel26 2 79.54%
Trid 6 80.08%
LunacekBiRastrigin 2 80.77%
Powell 4 81.46%
Tsoulos 2 82.69%
Mishra10 2 82.77%
VenterSobiezcczanskiSobieski 2 82.85%
Trigonometric02 2 82.92%
Sinusoidal 2 82.92%
SphericalSinc 2 83.00%
Gear 4 83.00%
Shubert01 2 83.69%
Deb03 2 83.69%
Shubert04 2 84.23%
F2 2 84.46%
HolderTable01 2 84.46%
HolderTable02 2 84.62%
Schwefel36 2 84.62%
PenHolder 2 84.62%
GramacyLee02 2 84.62%
FreudensteinRoth 2 85.85%
CrossInTray 2 86.46%
Plateau 2 86.77%
Step01 2 86.85%
Quintic 2 87.08%
ElAttarVidyasagarDutta 2 87.08%
Step02 2 87.23%
Langermann 2 87.31%
Schwefel06 2 87.69%
Pinter 2 88.00%
Vincent 2 88.23%
EggCrate 2 88.46%
Step03 2 89.00%
Bird 2 90.00%
Penalty01 2 90.69%
Mishra09 3 90.85%
Deb01 2 90.92%
StyblinskiTang 2 91.15%
Trigonometric01 2 91.38%
Schwefel21 2 91.85%
Hartmann6 6 92.00%
Schwefel22 2 92.15%
Schwefel20 2 92.23%
MieleCantrell 4 92.31%
RosenbrockDisc 2 92.31%
LennardJones 6 92.31%
Friedman 5 92.31%
Ackley02 2 92.54%
YaoLiu04 2 92.62%
Alpine01 2 92.85%
Levy13 2 93.08%
Ursem04 2 93.08%
Ackley03 2 93.15%
SawtoothXY 2 93.31%
Ratkowsky02 3 93.31%
DeckkersAarts 2 93.54%
HelicalValley 3 93.62%
Engvall 2 93.77%
BoxBetts 3 94.15%
Bohachevsky02 2 94.23%
Michalewicz 2 94.23%
HyperGrid 2 94.69%
Bohachevsky01 2 95.00%
Decanomial 2 95.38%
BartelsConn 2 95.46%
MullerBrown 2 95.54%
Mishra08 2 95.54%
ThreeHumpCamel 2 95.54%
HimmelBlau 2 95.69%
Parsopoulos 2 95.69%
GoldsteinPrice 2 96.15%
Ursem01 2 96.23%
SixHumpCamel 2 96.38%
Levy03 2 96.46%
Cigar 2 96.54%
Branin01 2 96.62%
Beale 2 96.69%
Judge 2 96.77%
Price04 2 96.85%
Zirilli 2 96.92%
StretchedV 2 97.00%
Picheny 2 97.08%
Bohachevsky03 2 97.15%
Hartmann3 3 97.23%
PermFunction01 2 97.54%
WayburnSeader01 2 97.54%
BiggsExp03 3 97.62%
Leon 2 97.62%
Price01 2 97.77%
McCormick 2 97.85%
Cube 2 97.85%
Kearfott 2 98.00%
Qing 2 98.08%
WayburnSeader02 2 98.38%
Bukin04 2 98.38%
Giunta 2 98.46%
Rosenbrock 2 98.46%
BiggsExp02 2 98.46%
Exp2 2 98.54%
ReduxSum 2 98.62%
Mishra11 2 98.62%
Mishra10b 2 98.69%
WayburnSeader03 2 98.85%
Brent 2 98.92%
Treccani 2 98.92%
PermFunction02 2 99.00%
JennrichSampson 2 99.08%
RotatedEllipse01 2 99.08%
Schwefel04 2 99.15%
RotatedEllipse02 2 99.23%
NeedleEye 2 99.23%
DixonPrice 2 99.31%
Mishra07 2 99.46%
LunacekBiSphere 2 99.46%
Zettl 2 99.54%
TridiagonalMatrix 2 99.54%
Exponential 2 99.62%
Keane 2 99.77%
Schwefel01 2 99.77%
Sargan 2 99.77%
Matyas 2 99.77%
Brown 2 99.85%
Zacharov 2 99.85%
Quadratic 2 99.85%
Sodp 2 99.85%
Sphere 2 99.85%
Schwefel02 2 99.92%
MultiModal 2 99.92%
Csendes 2 99.92%
Bukin02 2 100.00%
Hosaki 2 100.00%
Brad 3 100.00%
Booth 2 100.00%
CosineMixture 2 100.00%
Mishra02 2 100.00%
Mishra01 2 100.00%
Adjiman 2 100.00%
Katsuura 2 100.00%
Wolfe 3 100.00%
Infinity 2 100.00%

Multidimensional Test Functions Index

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