test_functions N-D Test Functions J

class JennrichSampson(dimensions=2)

Jennrich-Sampson objective function.

This class defines the Jennrich-Sampson global optimization problem. This is a multimodal minimization problem defined as follows:

f_{\text{JennrichSampson}}(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{10} \left [2 + 2i
- (e^{ix_1} + e^{ix_2}) \right ]^2

with x_i \in [-1, 1] for i = 1, 2.

JennrichSampson function

Two-dimensional JennrichSampson function

Global optimum: f(x) = 124.3621824 for x = [0.257825, 0.257825].

Jamil, M. & Yang, X.-S. A Literature Survey of Benchmark Functions For Global Optimization Problems Int. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation, 2013, 4, 150-194.

class Judge(dimensions=2)

Judge objective function.

This class defines the Judge global optimization problem. This is a multimodal minimization problem defined as follows:

f_{\text{Judge}}(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{20} 
\left [ \left (x_1 + A_i x_2 + B x_2^2 \right ) - C_i \right ]^2

Where, in this exercise:

A = [0.286, 0.973, 0.384, 0.276, 0.973, 0.543, 0.957, 0.948, 0.543, 0.797, 0.936, 0.889, 0.006, 0.828, 0.399, 0.617, 0.939, 0.784, 0.072, 0.889] \\
B = [0.645, 0.585, 0.310, 0.058, 0.455, 0.779, 0.259, 0.202, 0.028, 0.099, 0.142, 0.296, 0.175, 0.180, 0.842, 0.039, 0.103, 0.620, 0.158, 0.704] \\
C = [4.284, 4.149, 3.877, 0.533, 2.211, 2.389, 2.145, 3.231, 1.998, 1.379, 2.106, 1.428, 1.011, 2.179, 2.858, 1.388, 1.651, 1.593, 1.046, 2.152]

with x_i \in [-10, 10] for i = 1, 2.

Judge function

Two-dimensional Judge function

Global optimum: f(x_i) = 16.0817307 for \mathbf{x} = [0.86479, 1.2357].

Gavana, A. Global Optimization Benchmarks and AMPGO

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