infinity MPM2

Fopt Known Xopt Known Difficulty
Yes Yes Medium

Many test problems in real-valued optimization do not provide information about important problem properties, as, e. g., the positions of all local optima and the corresponding attraction basins. Knowing these characteristics would be helpful in many cases of benchmarking of optimization algorithms. Since many authors suggested to use parametrized problem generators that can produce test instances randomly but with controllable difficulty, several problem formulations appeared for which these new requirements can be handled well. The common ground of all these is that the objective function is generated by taking the maximum or minimum of several unimodal functions.

The implementation of this test function generator is described in detail in .

methodology Methodology

The “Multiple Peaks Model 2” (MPM2) test suite produces multimodal problem instances by combining several randomly distributed peaks. Hence, the problems are irregular and non-separable, which are also important features of difficult real-world problems. The problem is defined by the following formulas:

f(\mathbf{x}) = 1 - \max \left \{ g(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{p}) \mid \mathbf{p} \in P \right \} \\ \\

g(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{p}) = \frac{h_p}{1+\frac{md(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{p})^{s_p}}{r_p}} \\ \\

md(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{p}) = \sqrt{(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{p})^T \Sigma_{p}^{-1}(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{p})} \\

The objective function is given in the first equation. It takes the minimum of N_{peaks} = \mid P \mid unimodal functions (from the second equation) around peak positions \mathbf{p} \in P. This has the advantage that local optima with known positions are created, which is necessary to calculate some quality indicators.

Each of these functions is associated with parameters h_p, s_p, and r_p for height, shape, and radius, respectively. By slightly deviating from locally quadratic behavior (s_p = 2), the test suite intends to increase the difficulty for local search algorithms. Radii r_p influence the size of attraction basins, and thus the probability to place a starting point in the basin. Optima with small attraction basins will be difficult to find. Additionally, a randomly drawn covariance matrix \Sigma_p belongs to each peak. This matrix is used to create the optima’s basins as rotated hyperellipsoids, by calculating the Mahalanobis distance in the third equation.

That said, my approach to generate test functions for this benchmark has been the following:

  1. The dimensionality of the problem varies between N = 2 and N = 5
  2. The number of peaks can be any of 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100
  3. The topology of the peaks can be defined either as “funnel” or as “random”
  4. The shape size an height can be correlated, anti-correlated or uncorrelated
  5. Shapes can be rotated or not
  6. Finally, the shape used can be ellipses or spheres.

With all these variable settings, I generated 120 valid test function per dimension, thus the current MPM2 test suite contains 480 benchmark functions.

A few examples of 2D benchmark functions created with the MPM2 generator can be seen in Figure 9.1.


MPM2 Function 5


MPM2 Function 24


MPM2 Function 37


MPM2 Function 72


MPM2 Function 95


MPM2 Function 120

test_functions General Solvers Performances

Table 9.1 below shows the overall success of all Global Optimization algorithms, considering every benchmark function, for a maximum allowable budget of NF = 2,000.

The MPM2 benchmark suite is a relatively easy test suite: the best solver for NF = 2,000 is BasinHopping, with a success rate of 68.1%, closely followed by MCS and SHGO.


The reported number of functions evaluations refers to successful optimizations only.

Table 9.1: Solvers performances on the MPM2 benchmark suite at NF = 2,000
Optimization Method Overall Success (%) Functions Evaluations
AMPGO 36.04% 660
BasinHopping 68.12% 522
BiteOpt 35.00% 462
CMA-ES 39.58% 750
CRS2 35.00% 946
DE 32.92% 1,170
DIRECT 59.79% 464
DualAnnealing 50.62% 376
LeapFrog 23.75% 270
MCS 65.62% 580
PSWARM 21.25% 1,595
SCE 40.83% 588
SHGO 65.21% 510

These results are also depicted in Figure 9.2, which shows that BasinHopping is the better-performing optimization algorithm, followed by MCS and SHGO.

Optimization algorithms performances on the MPM2 test suite at :math:`NF = 2,000`

Figure 9.2: Optimization algorithms performances on the MPM2 test suite at NF = 2,000

Pushing the available budget to a very generous NF = 10,000, the results show BasinHopping still keeping the lead, with MCS much closer now and SHGO trailing a bit behind. The results are also shown visually in Figure 9.3.

Table 9.2: Solvers performances on the MPM2 benchmark suite at NF = 10,000
Optimization Method Overall Success (%) Functions Evaluations
AMPGO 59.17% 2,319
BasinHopping 88.33% 1,312
BiteOpt 38.96% 956
CMA-ES 52.29% 1,665
CRS2 37.08% 1,032
DE 47.08% 1,820
DIRECT 68.75% 962
DualAnnealing 57.29% 791
LeapFrog 23.75% 270
MCS 87.08% 1,614
PSWARM 47.08% 2,110
SCE 43.12% 806
SHGO 80.00% 1,206
Optimization algorithms performances on the MPM2 test suite at :math:`NF = 10,000`

Figure 9.3: Optimization algorithms performances on the MPM2 test suite at NF = 10,000

results Sensitivities on Functions Evaluations Budget

It is also interesting to analyze the success of an optimization algorithm based on the fraction (or percentage) of problems solved given a fixed number of allowed function evaluations, let’s say 100, 200, 300,... 2000, 5000, 10000.

In order to do that, we can present the results using two different types of visualizations. The first one is some sort of “small multiples” in which each solver gets an individual subplot showing the improvement in the number of solved problems as a function of the available number of function evaluations - on top of a background set of grey, semi-transparent lines showing all the other solvers performances.

This visual gives an indication of how good/bad is a solver compared to all the others as function of the budget available. Results are shown in Figure 9.4.

Percentage of problems solved given a fixed number of function evaluations on the MPM2 test suite

Figure 9.4: Percentage of problems solved given a fixed number of function evaluations on the MPM2 test suite

The second type of visualization is sometimes referred as “Slopegraph” and there are many variants on the plot layout and appearance that we can implement. The version shown in Figure 9.5 aggregates all the solvers together, so it is easier to spot when a solver overtakes another or the overall performance of an algorithm while the available budget of function evaluations changes.

Percentage of problems solved given a fixed number of function evaluations on the MPM2 test suite

Figure 9.5: Percentage of problems solved given a fixed number of function evaluations on the MPM2 test suite

A few obvious conclusions we can draw from these pictures are:

  1. For this specific benchmark test suite, for very limited function evaluations budgets, BasinHopping, SHGO and DIRECT are the best choices, tightly followed by MCS.
  2. The solvers mentioned above keep their lead even at higher function evaluations budgets, although BasinHopping manages to stay on top at every step.

size Dimensionality Effects

Since I used the MPM2 test suite to generate test functions with dimensionality ranging from 2 to 5, it is interesting to take a look at the solvers performances as a function of the problem dimensionality. Of course, in general it is to be expected that for larger dimensions less problems are going to be solved - although it is not always necessarily so as it also depends on the function being generated. Results are shown in Table 9.3 .

Table 9.3: Dimensionality effects on the MPM2 benchmark suite at NF = 2,000
Solver N = 2 N = 3 N = 4 N = 5 Overall
AMPGO 65.8 32.5 29.2 16.7 36.0
BasinHopping 94.2 70.0 62.5 45.8 68.1
BiteOpt 68.3 28.3 27.5 15.8 35.0
CMA-ES 63.3 41.7 35.8 17.5 39.6
CRS2 59.2 37.5 31.7 11.7 35.0
DE 74.2 49.2 8.3 0.0 32.9
DIRECT 96.7 75.0 49.2 18.3 59.8
DualAnnealing 83.3 52.5 40.8 25.8 50.6
LeapFrog 46.7 14.2 16.7 17.5 23.8
MCS 95.0 75.8 53.3 38.3 65.6
PSWARM 55.0 20.0 8.3 1.7 21.2
SCE 71.7 40.8 30.8 20.0 40.8
SHGO 95.8 61.7 62.5 40.8 65.2

Figure 9.6 shows the same results in a visual way.

Percentage of problems solved as a function of problem dimension at :math:`NF = 2,000`

Figure 9.6: Percentage of problems solved as a function of problem dimension for the MPM2 test suite at NF = 2,000

What we can infer from the table and the figure is that, for low dimensionality problems (NF = 2), very many solvers are able to solve most of the problems in this test suite, with DIRECT leading the pack. By increasing the dimensionality other solvers catch up ( MCS, SHGO and BasinHopping).

Pushing the available budget to a very generous NF = 10,000 shows MCS and DIRECT solving all problems for N = 2. MCS remains competitive even at higher dimensions but BasinHopping is the clear winner on all problems.

The results for the benchmarks at NF = 10,000 are displayed in Table 9.4 and Figure 9.7.

Table 9.4: Dimensionality effects on the MPM2 benchmark suite at NF = 10,000
Solver N = 2 N = 3 N = 4 N = 5 Overall
AMPGO 86.7 60.8 50.0 39.2 59.2
BasinHopping 96.7 93.3 86.7 76.7 88.3
BiteOpt 74.2 36.7 29.2 15.8 39.0
CMA-ES 70.0 51.7 49.2 38.3 52.3
CRS2 59.2 38.3 31.7 19.2 37.1
DE 74.2 54.2 39.2 20.8 47.1
DIRECT 100.0 78.3 64.2 32.5 68.8
DualAnnealing 91.7 64.2 43.3 30.0 57.3
LeapFrog 46.7 14.2 16.7 17.5 23.8
MCS 100.0 93.3 80.8 74.2 87.1
PSWARM 78.3 49.2 37.5 23.3 47.1
SCE 73.3 46.7 32.5 20.0 43.1
SHGO 99.2 83.3 68.3 69.2 80.0

Percentage of problems solved as a function of problem dimension at :math:`NF = 10,000`

Figure 9.7: Percentage of problems solved as a function of problem dimension for the MPM2 test suite at NF = 10,000

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